Netty Rebuildselector Call Many Times 工作流程csdn博客

Public void run () { rebuildselector 0 (); 795f318 if the logic is fired by an excessive number of premature returns,. Been happening forever, but basically the program requires a restart after selector rebuild.


Netty Rebuildselector Call Many Times 工作流程csdn博客

I tried to reproduce this problem by myself without success so far. Rebuilding selector {}., selectcnt, selector);. This method performs a blocking selection operation.

} catch (exception e) { logger.warn(failed to create a.

On a whim, i tried to rebuild nio selectors ever time a bootstrap using nio was closed., as selector keys use a file descriptor internally. Logger.warn( returned prematurely {} times in a row; In the log file at the trace level for netty i have such situation: As soon the wifi connection changes or wifi is disabled completely, the log will be flooded with the following two messages, repeated about 100 times per second while the app. returned prematurely 512 times in a row; However, i'm seeing the following. The following commit appears to break the epoll selector rebuild logic in rebuildselector(): Try { newselectortuple = openselector();



And i had check method and set the ((abstractniochannel) a).selectionkey = newkey;

We are running 4 machines, all are equal to each other. Netty在 nioeventloop 中考虑了这个问题,并通过在 select 方法不正常返回(netty源码注释称其为prematurely,即提前返回)超过一定次数时重新创建新的 selector 来. Each system was the message logging nearly 60k times per. Nearly a the same time all machines got the same behavior.

Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for i/o operations. I'm using netty 4.1.32 and i see the following very very often in the logs: // rebuild the selector to work around the problem. It returns only after at least one channel.

Netty解决Selector空轮询BUG的策略(图解+秒懂+史上最全) 疯狂创客圈 博客园

Netty解决Selector空轮询BUG的策略(图解+秒懂+史上最全) 疯狂创客圈 博客园

