Mybatis Plus Enum To String Mysql Springboot连接并整合 Csdn博客

It's about the annotations in mybatisplus (for more details, pls refer to the source code) However, retrieving the object and getting its enum value filled from the integer stored in the database has not been as easier as inserting it. I tried, without luck, using a.

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Mybatis Plus Enum To String Mysql Springboot连接并整合 Csdn博客

You can store the values as text, then use an insert trigger to validate that the stored values. Learn how to effectively use enums in mybatis with detailed examples, solutions, and best. Make sure the string values stored in the database correspond to the enum constants.

Mapping enum types in mybatis can be accomplished efficiently using the typehandler interface, which provides customization of how enum values are stored in and retrieved from the.

I'd try labeling your field with @enumerated (enumtype.string) annotation like:

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Mybatis 连接mysql数据库底层运行原理_mybatis怎么和mysql连接的底层CSDN博客

搭建一个简单的SpringBoot+Vue+MySQL (集成MyBatisPlus、lombok、Swagger

搭建一个简单的SpringBoot+Vue+MySQL (集成MyBatisPlus、lombok、Swagger

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