Borderlands 3 Radiation Element To Feature A New Al Damage Type

It takes them out quick enough and they cause explosions when they die, spreading the radiation damage. Cryo and radiation are elemental damage type and also benefit from amara's anima & tempest skill, so there is no need to avoid these two element types. Another effects of radiation type damage:

Borderlands 3 Radiation Element Confirmed

Borderlands 3 Radiation Element To Feature A New Al Damage Type

What it does have, however, is the ability to irradiate enemies which deals. Radiation has a much greater spreading ability than the other elements. Inflicts an aura of damage around the enemy that explodes upon death.

According to fandom [] radiation damage do 100 percent damage against flesh, 150 percent damage against shields and 50 percent damage to.

The aura signifies how close another enemy has to be for the status to be transferred. An advertisement for the upcoming looter shooter borderlands 3 confirms one of the game's new weapon elements, the nuclear powered 'radiation' element. Radiation damage has the worst stats against everything overall, though that’s supposed to be offset by the damage over time, aura damage, and explosive damage it has. The bonus against shield is.

For mayhem i think radiation is 100% against flesh/red, 150% against shield/blue, but only 50% against armor/yellow. In fact i prefer cryo and radiation. Helps with keeping max bonus for pearl and consec hits. If you're holding the 150/50 radiation anointment on a gun, it applies to.

Borderlands 3 Radiation Element

Borderlands 3 Radiation Element

Radiation elemental damage doesn’t really have a specific most effective target.

Radiation dot duration is longer than any other element. It’s handy against groups of enemies. It the best element to go mobbing as you can burst most mob (armored enemy being the rarest) without switching weapon. Gearbox software ceo randy pitchford has stated that radiation is the newest element available in borderlands 3, which works in the same vein, but with a few key differences.

Overall if you wanted to focus on 1 element only, that's the one i'd pick.

Borderlands 3 Weapon with NUCLEAR RADIATION Element Damage YouTube

Borderlands 3 Weapon with NUCLEAR RADIATION Element Damage YouTube

Borderlands 3 Radiation Element Confirmed

Borderlands 3 Radiation Element Confirmed